Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Adding a new dimension to its networking function, Silicon Valley-based tracking solutions provider Beganto is now giving engineers an opportunity for sharing technology insights at http://beganto.blogspot.com/. Ranging in subject matter from LED technology advances to background on Bluetooth, the on-line dialogue supplements Beganto’s basic service to engineers, giving them easy access to product data and evaluation samples (through http://www.needasample.com/) and facilitating management for component suppliers of the resulting new business opportunities.

Beganto expects the new blog to promote (free) membership in BeON™, the Beganto Open Network, which currently links 40,000 engineers with their preferred component sources – manufacturers, plus their authorized distributors and field sales representatives. Beganto’s search and sample service to engineers is the first step in the Beganto closed loop feedback and tracking system, Design Winner™.

Demand creation is the name of the game, according to Beganto CEO Sunil Grover, and Beganto supports demand creation by automating follow-up and closing the loop on all the sample requests NeedaSample® processes, even those from new or unknown prospects that might otherwise get lost in the shuffle. Engineers and buyers get the information, datasheets, samples and quotes they need, from a central source – no need to visit dozens of Web sites or enter the same information repeatedly. Component vendors generate leads, which they can share with their rep and distributor partners; but most important, they get both online and live support, to track their samples to design wins, and even to final manufacturing anywhere in the world.

Supplier members in the Beganto Open Network (BeON™) include such high profile users as ALPS, Catalyst, Fox, Hirose, JAE, JRC, Mueller, NEC, Optek, ROHM, Torex, United Chemi-Con and U.S. A’Syck.

Information about Beganto, NeedaSample, and the BeON™ network is available from BEGANTO (http://www.beganto.com/) or by contacting Sunil Grover, CEO, at 510-687-5101 or sunil.grover @ beganto.com. The company is headquartered at 48521 Warm Springs Blvd, Fremont CA 95439. A complete roster of blog entries can also be accessed at http://digg.com/users/beganto/new/dugg.


Beganto, Inc. (http://www.beganto.com/)) provides the electronics industry a sophisticated web-based information system for selecting, sampling, sourcing, and tracking products through the supply chain. BeON™, the Beganto Open Network, welcomes engineers, buyers, distributors, and manufacturers’ representatives as members at no charge. Component manufacturers become Sponsoring Suppliers through paid use of Design Winner™, which facilitates tracking component opportunities from sampling to the point of design win and through RFQ, P.O. and shipment to the point of manufacture, anywhere in the world. The privately held company has its headquarters in Fremont, California, and an office in India.

BEG7014, NR, Beganto blog


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